Natural White Diamond - How Pure Creation Of Nature Beats The Different Shades :: T STAR LIMITED

Natural White Diamond - How Pure Creation Of Nature Beats The Different Shades

 23 May 2022  9721
Opalescent diamonds

Even though coloured diamonds have been making sales records for the past few years, nothing compares with the remarkable beauty of natural white diamonds. 

For most of the part, white diamonds aren’t “white” but rather “colourless”. They are also referred to as “opalescent” because of the flashes of colour that can be seen while holding the diamond vertically and viewing the diamond face-up. 

Opalescent diamonds actually lack in colour viz colourless and are quite rare. This difference becomes even more apparent when you refer to the standard colour grading scale, where D stands for colourless appearance and Z stand for strong yellow tinge.

On the colour grading scale, if a diamond is hovering in the lower colour grading end, then it is not considered to be of immense value as compared to loose white diamonds because of its yellowish tone. 

With excellent cuts and enhanced clarity, a low-colour graded diamond can be valued higher in the market. However, loose white diamonds with higher colour grades tend to get priced higher by the bidder because of their colourless, clear, sharp appearance. 

Besides that, there are crucial factors such as carat weight, shape, and cut that also play an important role in determining the overall value of the diamond.  

There are a few fancy colour diamonds such as pink, blue, green, and even red, which are relatively more expensive than white natural white diamonds because of their rarity. 

The colour of the diamond is attributed to the presence of numerous chemicals that contributes to the formation process while in the earth's crust. Partially it also depends on a range of geological factors that immensely influence the hue or colour of the diamonds and the level of saturation or intensity. 

Depending on the saturation and intensity, colours are categorized into faint, very light, light, fancy light, fancy, fancy intense, fancy dark, fancy deep, and fancy vivid categories. 

As per the market data and analysis report, the price of fancy coloured diamonds has increased 70% within the last several years when compared to white diamonds prices. But the rise in price tends to vary across various colours and shades.  

Gorgeous fancy coloured diamonds generally come with a hefty price tag. On the other hand, there is no doubt that some of the world’s most coveted loose white diamonds are incredibly rare and worth the price. More than that, with the rise of pop culture and modern tradition, there has been a steep rise in demand for opalescent diamonds. 


There are several factors such as price, personal taste, preference, and budget - that should be taken into account prior to opting for the ideal product. Apart from that, when it comes to augmenting with the latest fashion trends, a rarity in comparison to availability becomes the most important factor to be taken into consideration. 

Tsar limited is an eloquent jewellery manufacturer. We provide some of the finest and most natural fancy-coloured and white diamonds - which help us establish ourselves as one of the reliable and trustworthy names in the jewellery industry.. 

The entire product catalogue, ranging from natural white diamonds to coloured diamond products, is carefully crafted by our excellent jewellery designers. All of our products are delivered via insured shipping services all over the globe for optimum customer satisfaction.